April Athlete of the Month – Chris Morrison

1. Tell us a little about yourself. Where are you from? What do you do for a living? 

I am from Western Loudoun, graduated high school locally at Loudoun Valley (a LONG time ago) and currently live in Lovettsville. My wife Amy and I have two kids, a daughter thatā€™s 19 and in college and a son whoā€™s 13 and also a member at the best gym in Purcellville, Catoctin!. I manage a Technical Support team for Tenable (cyber-security / vulnerability management company) based out of Columbia, MD.

2. What brought you in to Catoctin CrossFit? What made you want to stay? 

I was bringing my son to winter workouts for baseball and saw a coworker one evening when I was dropping him off. Another member there and I work together and she suggested that I should try a class or two out. I was looking for a gym near me anyway and I took her advice. I have been a member at Catoctin CrossFit ever since!

3. What are some of the changes you’ve experienced since starting at Catoctin CrossFit that were unexpected (new friends, goals, social events, etc.)? 

Making new friends for sureā€¦I have gotten to know a number of other members and coaches and look forward to seeing them at workouts. Plus side to this (aside from making new friends) is that it definitely has helped with accountability. Welcoming and implementing a new routine is another change Iā€™ve experienced and is exactly what I needed.

4. What was your first day at CCF like and what motivates you to keep coming back to Catoctin CrossFit.

My first workout was insanely hard. Luckily, the coaches were awesome and stuck close to help me along the way. I left that first workout not sure about my future at CrossFit but came back the next day and then the next. Each day was not as difficult as the last but make no mistakeā€¦classes have NOT gotten easier which is why I love this so much. My motivation has been mostly focused on how I feel after a workout but I have most recently been motivated by progress Iā€™m making. I can tell that I am getting stronger and able to do a bit more advanced (for me) movements and that alone has been a huge motivation.

5. Tell us some of your recent accomplishments. What goals do you have for this year?

My goal at the beginning was measured in showing up and completing classes the best that I possibly could. One goal that Iā€™ve had was to complete a workout in its entirety which I have done a few times. Most of the time I donā€™t fully complete a workout but it isnā€™t lack of busting my ass and not giving up. I know that at one point, my motivation, endurance and ability to dig deeper will all align and I will be better positioned to complete workouts. I am now focused on dropping weight, getting lean and continuing to get stronger. I am seeing now just how important my diet is and how different it needs to be in order to have the energy to workout 5 days a week and continue building strength.

6. What advice would you give to someone who is thinking about trying a class at Catoctin CrossFit? 

Try a class but absolutely commit to completing the free week of workouts they offer. I saw things much differently after I had several classes under my belt and gave my body an opportunity to get past the soreness and more focused on how great I felt afterwards. Make a point to introduce yourself to others in a classā€¦the more you get a chance to talk with others and hear their about their CrossFit journey, you will be able to pull out some similarities in your own journey.

7. What is something that CrossFit has taught you about yourself and how has it made your life better? 

Prior to CrossFit, I hadnā€™t been active on a regular basis for quite some time. I was at a point where I didnā€™t really know where to begin. Catoctin CrossFit filled that need and all I have to do is show up. Showing up and doing my best to complete workouts has shown me that I still have the desire to compete, this time with myself. As a result, I feel better, stronger and much more confident.

8. Do you have a favorite workout? What movements does your favorite workout include? 

My favorite workouts are most AMRAP workouts. I like the feeling of not being able to catch my breath in between exercises and thatā€™s how I gauge how hard I am working. I like back squats, dead lifts, strict presses and now that I learned to do them (thank you Troy) I really like doing wall handstands. I am working towards being able to do handstand pushups.

9. What does your frequently used emoji tab look like? (screen shot it and send it).

Probably the poop emojiā€¦itā€™s universal and is an appropriate reaction to almost every conversation.

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Moira ramsey


I am fully dedicated to helping every single one of you finally reach your goals.


Massage Therapist

Cat reynolds


I am fully dedicated to helping every single one of you finally reach your goals.


Yoga Instructor

Paul Koczera


I am fully dedicated to helping every single one of you finally reach your goals.


Personal Training Coach

Liz Fritsch


I am fully dedicated to helping every single one of you finally reach your goals.


CrossFit Level 1

Lori Padgett


I am fully dedicated to helping every single one of you finally reach your goals.


CrossFit Kids Coach

Jake Fritsch


I am fully dedicated to helping every single one of you finally reach your goals.


CrossFit Level 2

Bailey Carlson


I am fully dedicated to helping every single one of you finally reach your goals.


CrossFit Level 3, CCFT
CrossFit Gymnastics Level 1 & 2
CrossFit Weightlifting
USAW-1 Sports Performance Coach

Luke Young



CrossFit Level 1

Margo Brownell



CrossFit Level 2
USA Weightlifting Level 2
WSO Referee
Buddy Lee Jump Rope Master

Jason Mercer



CrossFit Level 2

Annelyse Santos

CrossFit Kids Coach


CrossFit Level 1



Staying active and healthy has always been important to me. I was a dancer, a swimmer, I worked at a gym in College, trained in boxing, jumped into running and sprint triathlon. My fitness ADD settled on the perfect balance of CrossFit and Yoga.
Iā€™m also in Public Relations, so being a Yoga Instructor is the perfect combination of doing the two things I am most passionate about ā€“ health and wellness, and people.


Yoga Alliance 200RYT with over 500 teaching hours
Advanced Anatomy for Yoga Certification
Group Fitness Certified ā€“ AAAI/ISMA (American Aerobic Association International/ International Sports Medicine Association)
St. John Fisher College BA Communications
CPR/AED Certified



Troy has been apart of the CrossFit community since 2015. After seeing the impact of structured programming and nutrition on those around him, he has decided to help spread his knowledge and passion to the rest of the world. Troy is a CrossFit Level 2 Trainer and a USA Weightlifting L1 Coach and has been coaching athletes in group and individual settings, since 2016. Troy has a strong background in rehabilitation and, since 2017, has been able to provide rehab services for both injury correction and prevention.


Certified CrossFit Trainer (CF-L3)
USA Weightlifting Level 2
WSO Referee
Adaptive and Inclusive Trainer (AIT)
Fascial Movement Taping (FMT)
CrossFit Programming
InBody Certified



I am fully dedicated to helping every single one of you finally reach your goals.


15+ Years Personal & Group Coaching Experience
CrossFit Level 3, CCFT
CrossFit Gymnastics
CrossFit Weightlifting
USAW-1 Sports Performance Coach
Certified in Fitness Nutrition, ISSA
CPR/AED Certified


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